数学理论与应用 ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 96-.

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秦宣云1,*  文金侣2   朱世存1   

  1.  1.中南大学 数学与统计学院, 长沙, 410083; 2.长沙智能驾驶研究院,长沙, 410208
  • 出版日期:2021-06-30 发布日期:2021-08-18
  • 通讯作者: 秦宣云(1965−), 教授, 博士, 研究方向:应用数学; E−mail:xuanyunqin@163.com
  • 基金资助:

High Performance Numerical Simulation of Dust Removal Fan Based on OpenFOAM

  1. 1.School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; 2.Changsha Intelligent Driving Research Institute, Changsha 410208, China
  • Online:2021-06-30 Published:2021-08-18

摘要: 本文用计算流体力学数值模拟软件OpenFOAM对风机除尘过程进行数值模拟研究.真实的除尘风机设备内涉及到气相、粉尘颗粒态、液态喷雾三相流动, 本文抽象出气相和粉尘颗粒的两相流模型, 侧重对除尘风机内流场的变化做瞬态模拟.为此, 建立风机内部气流的数学模型,即考虑由于旋转产生离心力和柯式力的Navier-Stokes偏微分方程, 以及${k}-\omega-\mathrm{SST}$湍流模型.模拟结果表明, 叶尖处相对于周围的流体速度有所升高, 叶尖带动流体向叶尖运动的方向运动, 越靠近叶尖的部分速度越大.另外, 在给出的边界条件和初始条件下, 分别得到粒子压力场、速度矢量图等, 形象直观地模拟风机除尘过程.

关键词: OpenFOAM , 数值模拟 , 拉格朗日粒子追踪 ,  , 动网格 , 旋转机械 ,  , 并行计算

Abstract: In this paper, the computational fluid dynamics numerical simulation software OpenFOAM is used to study the numerical simulation of a fan's dust removal process. A real dust removal fan equipment involves the flow of three phases: the gas phase, the dust particle state and the liquid spray. This paper abstracts a two-phase flow model of the gas phase and dust particles, and focuses on the transient simulation of the flow field changes in the dust removal fan. To this end, a mathematical model of the internal airflow of the wind turbine, which includes a Navier-Stokes partial differential equation that considers the centrifugal force and the coercive force caused by rotation, and a ${k}-\omega-\mathrm{SST}$ turbulence model, is established. The simulation results show that the velocity at the fan's tip is higher than that of the surrounding fluid, the tip moves the fluid to the direction of the tip movement, and the velocity closer to the tip is larger. In addition, under the given boundary conditions and initial conditions, the particle pressure field, velocity vector diagram, etc. are obtained, respectively, to visually and intuitively simulate the fan's dust removal process.

Key words: OpenFOAM ,  ,  , Numerical simulation ,  , Lagrangian particle tracking ,  , Dynamic mesh , Rotating machinery ,  , Parallel computing