数学理论与应用 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3-4): 12-17.

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强 M -α-对称环及其扩张


  1. 1.南京晓庄学院信息工程学院 

  • 出版日期:2018-12-30 发布日期:2020-09-18
  • 基金资助:

Strongly M-α-symmetric Rings and Their Extensions

  • Online:2018-12-30 Published:2020-09-18

摘要: 设 M 是一个幺半群,α 是环R 上的一个自同态.本文引入强 M-α-对称环的概念,研究具有环同态的M-对称环的性质.用经典环论方法证明:(1)R 是强右M-α-对称环当且仅当R 是强左M-α-对称环;(2)如果R 是右 Ore环,α 是R 的一个自同构,则R 是强M-α-对称环当且仅当R 的右商环Q 是强M-α- 对称环.

关键词: 对称环强, α-对称环强, M-对称环强, M-α-对称环

Abstract: Let M be a monoid andα an endomorphism of a ring R. We investigate the properties of M-symmetric rings with endomorphisms on R by introducing the concept of strongly M-α-symmetric ring. Using the classical method in ring theory, we prove that(1)R is a strongly right M-α-symmetric ring if and only if R is a strongly left M-α-symmetric ring;(2)Letαbe an automorphism of R. If R is a right Ore ring, hen R is a strongly M-α-symmetric ring if and only if Q is a strongly M-a-symmetric ring, where Q is the classical right quotient ring of the R.

Key words: Symmetric ring, Stronglyα-symmetric ring, Strongly M-symmetric ring, Strongly M-α-symmetric ring