数学理论与应用 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1-2): 111-117.

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周鑫 ;张惠珍   

  1. 上海理工大学管理学院
  • 出版日期:2018-06-30 发布日期:2020-09-18

The Optimal Order Quantity for Two-Level Suppliers on the Fresh Products under Freshness function

  • Online:2018-06-30 Published:2020-09-18
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摘要: 随着冷链物流技术的发展,市场对生鲜产品的需求也越来越大.引入新鲜度函数,研究了需求不确定性对一个包含两级供应商的生鲜产品供应链的决策影响.其中,下游供应商观察市场的需求信息,向上游供应商发送订单;而上游供应商则向其下游供应商提供生鲜产品.发现,下游供应商存在一个最优的订货量使他的期望收益达到最大值.另外,还发现生鲜产品的新鲜度越高,供应商的最优订货量就越大;且存在一个最优的已出产时间,使他的期望收益达到最大.最后,通过数值案例验证了结论的正确性和合理性. 

关键词: 新鲜度, 订货量, 报童模型, 生鲜产品

Abstract: With the development of cold-chain logistics technology, the market demands of fresh products are also growing. This paper introduces the freshness function and studies the decision-making has impact of demand uncertainty on a fresh product supply chain with two-tier suppliers ,in which the downstream supplier observes market demand information and sends an order to the upstream suppliers; while the upstream supplier provides fresh products. This paper finds that the downstream supplier has an optimal order quantity, which can maximize his expected profit. In addition, it is found that the higher the freshness, the greater the optimal order quantity. There is an optimal production time, which will maximize his expected profit. Finally, the correctness and rationality of the conclusions of this paper are verified by numerical examples.

Key words: Freshness, Order Quantity, Newsvendor Model , Fresh Product