
Current Issue

    2023, Vol. 43 No. 4   Published date: 28 December 2023
  • Dynamical Analysis of a Toxic-phytoplankton-zooplankton Model with Chemotaxis and Allee Effects
    Dong Yuqin, Chen Shaoyu, Dai Binxiang
    2023, 43(4): 1-28. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8074.2023.04.001
    Abstract ( 1590 )   PDF (357KB) ( 248 )     
    This paper demonstrates the global existence and boundedness of the solutions of a toxic- phytoplankton-zooplankton model with chemotaxis and Allee effects in a smooth bounded domian with no-flux boundary condition. This result holds for arbitrary spatial dimension and small chemotaxis coefficients. It is also proved that the positive homogeneous steady state loses its stability when the chemotactic coefficient surpasses a threshold value, and the nonhomogeneous steady states bifurcate from the homogeneous steady state. Finally a numerical simulation is performed.
  • Notes on Systems of Linear Congruence Equations
    Shi Wenzhang, Liu Heguo
    2023, 43(4): 29-47. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8074.2023.04.002
    Abstract ( 848 )   PDF (206KB) ( 320 )     
    The Chinese Remainder Theorem is a fundamental principle in number theory. In this paper we start with the canonical form of integer matrix under modular transformations and give another proof to the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Then by using the invariant factors we give some sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of solutions for two classes of systems of linear congruence equations with multiple variables, and further more, find the number of solutions to the systems.
  • The Mordell-Weil Groups of Cubic Pencils
    Mo Jiali
    2023, 43(4): 48-58. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8074.2023.04.003
    Abstract ( 814 )   PDF (175KB) ( 205 )     
    In this paper we study the influences of the base points of cubic pencils on the Mordell-Weil groups. Specifically, we investigate and classify the cubic pencils with 8, 7 and 6 base points in general position, and give some applications.
  • An Unconditionally Energy Stable Numerical Scheme for the Modified Phase Field Crystal Equation
    Liang Yihong, Jia Hongen
    2023, 43(4): 59-75. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8074.2023.04.004
    Abstract ( 793 )   PDF (1434KB) ( 322 )     

    This paper constructs a linear, second-order, unconditionally energy stable, semi-discrete time stepping scheme for the modified phase field crystal equation with periodic boundary conditions.

    The unique solvability, unconditionally energy stability and unconditionally temporal convergence of order 2 of the numerical scheme are showed by introducing a Lagrange multiplier to deal with the nonlinear terms and adopting the second-order

    Crank-Nicolson method to discrete time. Numerical experiments are given in the last section to validate the efficiency of the proposed scheme.

  • Numerical Simulation Algorithms for Stochastic Differential Equations in Systems Biology
    Niu Yuanling, Chen Lin, Chen luonan
    2023, 43(4): 76-92. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8074.2023.04.005
    Abstract ( 943 )   PDF (508KB) ( 654 )     
    Many phenomena in systems biology, such as the biochemical reaction process, the evolution of ecosystems, the spread of infectious diseases, can be described by stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Considering the influence of randomness, stochastic differential equation models can describe the evolution of variables over time more accurately than deterministic differential equation models. However, the analytical solutions of most stochastic differential equations cannot be obtained. Even though some of them can be obtained, the forms of the solutions are usually extremely complex. One therefore requires proper numerical methods to approximate their solutions on computers. These stochastic differential equation models in systems biology usually have the properties of high dimension, high nonlinearity, and the solutions being located in a specified region. It is difficult to simulate them numerically. This paper reviews the numerical simulation algorithms of several typical models in systems biology (biochemical reaction models, ecosystem models, infectious disease models, population genetics models, cell differentiation models), and briefly introduces their advantages and disadvantages.
  • A Predictor-corrector Smoothing Newton Method for Solving the Special Weighted Linear Complementarity Problem
    He Xiaorui, Tang Jingyong
    2023, 43(4): 93-105. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8074.2023.04.006
    Abstract ( 726 )   PDF (220KB) ( 247 )     

    In this paper, we study the method for solving the special weighted linear complementarity problem. Based on a weighted smoothing function, we reformulate the problem as a system of smooth nonlinear equations and then propose a predictor-corrector smoothing Newton method to solve it. Under some suitable conditions, we show that the algorithm has the global and local quadratic convergence properties. In particular, when the solution set is nonempty we show that the merit function sequence converges to zero. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our algorithm is effective.

  •  A Semi-implicit Collocation Scheme for the Allen-Cahn Equation
    Tong Yanlei, Yao Xiaozhen, Li Mengting, Li Yiwen, Weng Zhifeng
    2023, 43(4): 106-122. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8074.2023.04.007
    Abstract ( 915 )   PDF (960KB) ( 388 )     
    In this paper, a semi-implicit collocation scheme and the corresponding discrete linear equation system are firstly derived for the Allen-Cahn equation by discretizing it in spatial direction with the barycentric Lagrange interpolation collocation method, in time direction with the backward Euler scheme and the Crank-Nicolson scheme respectively and treating its nonlinear term with an explicit scheme. Then, the consistency of the one-dimensional spatial semi-discrete schemes and the two-dimensional full discrete schemes are analyzed. Finally, the high accuracy and energy decreasing law of the semi-implicit collocation scheme are verified by numerical examples. Comparing with the two kinds of classical difference schemes, the numerical results show that the proposed scheme can achieve higher accuracy with fewer nodes.
  • Field-Split Preconditioners for Solving Three-dimensional Reservoir Flows in Fractured Porous Media
    Yang Nian, Yang Haijian, Shao Baiqiang
    2023, 43(4): 123-140. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8074.2023.04.008
    Abstract ( 788 )   PDF (1756KB) ( 210 )     
    With the applications of Newton-Krylov method in solving large sparse nonlinear equations, the design of linear preconditioners plays a vital role in the whole solver. In this paper, we study the application of different combinations of field-split (FS) preconditioners based on physical and domain decomposition methods to the unsteady flow problem of fractured porous media. Under the framework of domain decomposition technology, several new FS preconditioners are considered: the additive FS preconditioner, the multiplicative FS preconditioner, the Schur-complement FS preconditioner and the constrained pressure residual (CPR) preconditioner. The corresponding subsystems are approximately solved by the restricted additive Schwarz (RAS) algorithm. In order to further improve the performance of the FS preconditioner, we designe a two-level FS preconditioner. Numerical experiments on Tianhe-2 supercomputer show that the proposed preconditioner has a good robustness and parallel scalability.