数学理论与应用 ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 95-104.

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吴婷1,2  , 2   ,王刚2  ,廖新元1* ,陈明松,王以政2   

  1. 1南华大学,湖南,衡阳,421001;


  • 出版日期:2020-12-30 发布日期:2021-06-15
  • 通讯作者: 廖新元(1965—),男,教授。E-mail: xyl98@hotmail.com; 吴婷:1790002870@qq.com

Motion-guided Kernelized Correlation Filter for Object Tracking

  • Online:2020-12-30 Published:2021-06-15

摘要: 核相关滤波是视觉目标跟踪领域的重要算法之一,该算法的目标搜索范围有限,容易受到目标瞬移和方向快速变化等情况的影响,导致目标跟踪失效。针对该问题,本文引入注意力机制对核相关滤波目标跟踪算法进行改进。我们首先通过视网膜大细胞通路模型来提取运动区域,然后利用光流算法计算前一帧目标边界框内运动区域的平均光流来确定目标候选框,最后在该候选框上通过核相关滤波算法确定目标边界框。在Anti-UAV2020数据集上的实验结果表明,当利用PyrLK算法计算光流时,所提方法相比于基线方法在跟踪精确率与成功率方面分别提升1.4%和1.3%;当利用Flownet算法计算光流时,所提方法相比于基线方法在跟踪精确率与成功率方面分别提升2.2%和1.3%。


目标跟踪 ,  , 相关滤波 ,  , 光流算法 , 视网膜模型


Kernelized correlation filter is one of the important algorithms in the field of visual object tracking. The object search region of this algorithm is limited. The rapid movement and abrupt direction change of the object may lead to tracking failure. To overcome this problem, “we introduce attention mechanism to improve the object tracking algorithm on the design of kernelized correlation filter. Firstly, the motion area is extracted through the bio-inspired retina model. Subsequently, the object candidate box is determined based on the average optical flow of the previous frame bouning-box. Finally, the object’s bounding-box is determined by kernelized correlation filter algorithm on the candidate box. Experimental results on the Anti-UAV2020 dataset show that when the PyrLK algorithm is used to calculate the optical flow, the tracking accuracy and success rate are improved by 1.4% and 1.3%, respectively, compared with the baseline method of kernelized correlation filter.When the Flownet algorithm is used to calculate optical flow, the tracking accuracy and success rate are improved by 2.2% and 1.3%, respectively, compared with the baseline method of kernelized correlation filter.

Key words:

Object tracking ,  , Correlation filter ,  , Optical flow algorithm ,  , Retina mode