数学理论与应用 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 66-76.

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  1. 湘潭大学数学与计算科学学院,湘潭,411005
  • 出版日期:2016-09-30 发布日期:2020-09-28

Forecasting Stock Risks Based on a Physical Bubble Breakage Model

Tian Zhikun   

  1. School of Computer Science,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411005,China
  • Online:2016-09-30 Published:2020-09-28

摘要: 股市泡沫是投资者关注的重要问题之一,如果能够通过计算得到准确的“股灾”时间,投资者就能在股市中做出更加正确的判断和操作,这对股票投资的风险管理是非常有意义的.股市泡沫与物理学上的气泡有很多相似之处,为此以气泡破裂模型为基础,将波动因素融入模型后建立股市泡沫破裂的数学模型.然后利用最小二乘和遗传算法求解出模型中的关键参数,从而得到模型的具体数学形式.利用该模型,对三段时间的上证指数进行了实证分析,得到预测的泡沫破裂(巨幅下跌)时间与真实的破裂时间误差较小,并且预测的破灭时间更容易出现在实际破裂时间的右侧,这说明泡沫的实际破裂时间以更大概率地比预测的要早.利用该模型又对近期的(2014年1月1至2015年6月10)上证指数进行预测,发现预测的破裂时间与真实的破裂时间基本一致,这说明该模型对刻画股市风险有较好的效果.

关键词: 物理泡沫, 股市泡沫, 风险, 数学模型, 遗传算法

Abstract:  Since stock market bubbles are payed close attention by investors,it is meaningful to figure out the breakage time of the stock market bubble for investors to manage risks.In this paper by regarding the stock market bubbles as physical bubbles and taking into account the fluctuations of stock market,a model to depict the stock market bubbles is build.Parameters in the model are estimated by the least square method and genetic algorithm.Empirical analysis with our model on the Shanghai securities composite indexes of three time intervals shows that the errors between the predicted breakage time and the real breakage time of stock market bubbles are small,and furthermore,the time of the bubble breakage forecasted is more likely after the real breakage time.The model is used to forecast the Shanghai securities composite indexes from January,2014 to June,2015,and it is found that the predicted breakage time is almost the same to the real breakage time, which demonstrates that our bubble model has good effects in depicting the risks in stock market.

Key words:

Physical bubble, Stock market bubble, Risk, Mathematical model, Genetic algorithm