数学理论与应用 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 83-92.

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周毅成, 姚俭   

  1. 上海理工大学管理学院,上海,200093
  • 出版日期:2016-09-30 发布日期:2020-09-28

Research and Application of Multiple Attribute Decision Making Method with Interval Fuzzy Numbers

Zhou Yicheng, Yao Jian   

  1. School of Business,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China
  • Online:2016-09-30 Published:2020-09-28

摘要: 本文针对区间犹豫模糊数的多属性决策问题,从直观可行的角度将区间犹豫模糊数转化为直觉模糊数,并提出重叠区间来减少属性值的元素个数,然后利用优化模型求解属性的权重,最后,从区间犹豫模糊数的机理出发,考虑问题的适用性,以区域企业评价的例子,引用上述方法,得出结论.

关键词: 区间犹豫模糊数, 多属性决策, 重叠区间, 直觉模糊数, 区域企业评价

Abstract: In this paper some approaches are used to improve the multiple attribute decision making method. Firstly,direct and feasible interval hesitate fuzzy numbers are converted into intuitionistic fuzzy numbers,and overlapping intervals are employed to reduce numbers of attribute value elements,then the weights of attributes are determined by optimization,and finally,the mechanism of interval hesitate numbers and the applicability of real problems are taking into account to give evaluation on a regional enterprise.

Key words:

Interval fuzzy number, Multiple attribute decision making, Overlapping interval, Intuitionistic fuzzy number, Regional enterprise evaluation