数学理论与应用 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 81-91.

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陈婧, 顾晓晓, 朱恩文   

  1. 长沙理工大学数学与统计学院,长沙,410114
  • 出版日期:2016-12-30 发布日期:2020-09-27

Investigation and Analysis on WeChat Payments Among College Students in Changsha City

Chen Jing, Gu Xiaoxiao, Zhu Enwen   

  1. School of Mathematics and Statistics,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 410014,China
  • Online:2016-12-30 Published:2020-09-27

摘要: 在电子商务逐渐兴起的互联网时代,网购这一消费模式形成了一种新的消费潮流.随着过去几年微信的高速发展,由微信衍生出的第三方支付产品——微信支付也在很大程度上改变了支付宝等第三方支付平台垄断市场的格局.现阶段,大学生作为微信支付和第三方支付主要的受众群体之一,在很大程度上影响到了微信支付发展的前景与未来.为了对微信支付的现状做详细的了解,本文通过设计、分发、收集问卷对长沙市各高校大学生进行抽样调查,然后利用SPSS和Excel等统计分析软件对所得数据进行分析研究,并给出了一些建议.

关键词: 微信支付, 问卷调查, 随机抽样, SPSS软件, 统计分析


With the rise of e-commerce in the internet era,the online shopping has become a new consumer trend.With the rapid development of WeChat in the past few years,WeChat payments have greatly changed the pattern of Alipay or other third-party payment  platform monopoly market.In nowdays,college students as one of the main groups of WeChat payment and third-party payment will affect the future of WeChat's development to a large extent.A sampling survey via distributing questionnaire to college students in Changsha city is carried.Sample data are analyzed with the statistical software SPSS and Excel,and some suggestions are

given based on the results from the data.

Key words: WeChat payment, Questionnaire, Random sampling, SPSS software, Statistical analysis