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闫文杰1 , 刘圣军1 , 刘新儒1 ,  彭谦2 , 胡娅敏 3,*   

  1. 1. 中南大学数学与统计学院;   2. 中国人民大学统计学院;  3. 广东省气候中心
  • 出版日期:2022-06-28
  • 通讯作者: 通信作者: 胡娅敏, 正研级高级工程师, 博士, 从事气候预测与气候变化研究; Email: huym@gd126.cn.
  • 基金资助:

    国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2018YFA0606203), 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA20100304), 中国气象局创新发展专项(CXFZ2021J026), 中国气象局预报员专项(CMAYBY2020-094), 广东省科技计划项目(20180207)和广东省气象局重点项目(GRMC2018Z02)共同资助. 

Prediction of Early Summer Rainstorm Days in South China Based on Least Angle Regression on High Correlation Regions

  • Online:2022-06-28


本文研究华南地区暴雨日数与前期环流因子及外强迫因子关系,并在此基础上构建该地区暴雨日数预测模型. 我们首先使用高相关区域算法选取构造特征进行变量降维, 然后使用最小角回归方法对华南地区初夏暴雨日数进行预测. 时间距平相关系数($TCC$) 、同号率($SS$)、决定系数($CD$)及调整的$Ps$评分($APs$)等评分结果表明: 与其它模型相比,基于高相关区域的最小角回归模型预测结果与观测值具有较强的时间相关性及较高的$APs$评分, 这表明本文所构造方法具有较强的实用价值.

关键词: 华南暴雨日数, 特征提取, 调整$Ps$评分, 最小角回归

Abstract: In this paper, we study the relationship between the rainstorm days in South China and the early atmospheric circulation factors as well as the external forcing factors, and based on it , build a model to forecast the rainstorm days in the area. Firstly, we select the high correlation regions to construct the prediction characteristics for variable dimension reduction. Then, a least angle regression model is built to forecast the rainstorm days in early summer in South China. Compared to other models in terms of time anomaly correlation coefficient ($TCC$), rate of the same sign ($SS$), coefficient of determination ($CD$), and adjusted prospect anomaly synthetical score ($APs$), it is obtained that the prediction results of the minimum angle regression model based on the high correlation region have a strong time correlation with the observed values and the high $APs$ score, which shows that the method constructed in this paper has a strong practical value.

Key words: Rainstorm days in Southern China, Feature selection, Adjusted $Ps$-score, Least Angle Regression